Here's one of the most romantic Chinese idioms. It shows the love and kindness of Chinese people. Now learn it and show it to your Chinese friends on ValenTEE's Day!
@risu U're awlays awake i require help to win online argument
Monks are at their most powerful when they are in the serene state, which is achieved by meeting one of two conditions:
No group members nearby, or not being in a group.
Fewer than six adjacent monsters.
how do You read this?
do U read it as the second condition only happens when he is in a group and never happens when in a group
or it happens regardless and so joining a group takes away the state aswell?
if you're in a group: you loose the state
if you have more than six adjacent monsters: you loose the state
if you have both: you loose the state
if you have none, you keep the state