void CAutoMapper::Proceed(CLayerTiles *pLayer, CLayerTiles *pGameLayer, int ReferenceId, int ConfigId, int Seed, int SeedOffsetX, int SeedOffsetY)
// [ ... ]
for(size_t k = 0; k < pIndexRule->m_vModuloRules.size() && RespectRules; ++k)
CModuloRule *pModuloRule = &pIndexRule->m_vModuloRules[k];
if((x + pModuloRule->m_OffsetX) % pModuloRule->m_ModX == 0 && (y + pModuloRule->m_OffsetY) % pModuloRule->m_ModY == 0)
RespectRules = false;
// already defined code below, just for context
if(RespectRules &&
(pIndexRule->m_RandomProbability >= 1.0f || HashLocation(Seed, h, i, x + SeedOffsetX, y + SeedOffsetY) < HASH_MAX * pIndexRule->m_RandomProbability))
CTile Previous = *pTile;
pTile->m_Index = pIndexRule->m_Id;
pTile->m_Flags = pIndexRule->m_Flag;
pLayer->RecordStateChange(x, y, Previous, *pTile);
void SendChatTarget(int To, const char *pText, int VersionFlags = FLAG_SIX | FLAG_SIXUP) const;
std::optional<std::vector<std::string>> m_vLoadedWords;
? error: invalid ‘static_cast’ from type ‘int*’ to type ‘int’
for(CPlayer *pPlayer : GameServer()->m_apPlayers)
for(auto *pPlayer : GameServer()->m_apPlayers)
which is the players ClientId can you work with that?https://ddnet.org/players/?json2=nickname
. Out of 58 nicknames 10-15 will give status code 500. Every update different nicknames will give status code 500. In general, I do not know what to do with it, maybe it is necessary to issue a delay before each request?https://ddnet.org/players/?json2=nickname
. Out of 58 nicknames 10-15 will give status code 500. Every update different nicknames will give status code 500. In general, I do not know what to do with it, maybe it is necessary to issue a delay before each request? time_point<std::chrono::system_clock, duration<long, ratio<1, 1000000000>>> CurrentTime;
map("K", vim.lsp.buf.hover, "Hover Documentation")
lsp bestmap("K", vim.lsp.buf.hover, "Hover Documentation")
lsp best