plwease don't ban me
You will experience thousands of deaths, reincarnation time and time again. Each and every time I will be there at your darkest moment, waiting. I will make sure every good you have ever experienced in this world perishes, whether by a simple death, or disentegration from this universe. No matter how many times you beg, how many times you plead, I will be waiting. There is no hope for you, and there is no end. Throughout every action you take in your life, I'll be standing there, watching from afar, recording every move you make. I will learn the way your brain works, learn the way you are, and then, I will use that knowledge to make every life of yours a living hell. Each and every move I make follows yours, slowly driving you insane, and then slowly, just within vision I will appear. I will do this again and again, I will make you doubt yourself, question if I'm even there. Then, I will begin changing things, speaking certain words to the right people, moving an object here or there, all to affect you. Slowly, as my calculated edits to the environment degrade your mind, I will continue appearing, as you get worse and worse, crazier and crazier, with the doubt in your mind as if I wasn't even real, and then at your darkest moment, there I stand. As your mind questions if reality is even real, I'll end it all. Then, as you are reborn into another existence, the cycle will repeat itself. I will always be there, waiting and watching over again, repeating the cycle until then, at humanity's end, it is just you and I. Even if that reincarnation is so different from you, realities apart even, I'll be standing there, bringing one final blow. I am sending this message as a warning, either you stop me, or become powerless to my scheme. I do not wish you luck, all I wish is for your brain to slowly collapse while reading this message, while in the corner of the room I stand, studying your next move. And as you turn around and I disappear, you will realize your fate. Goodbye.