a few of my favorate novices are, Planet Mercury, Lighthouse, Fiji, Glade, Inure, Beyond Dreams, Sunny Side Up, some moderates are, DaoYu Night, Qianye, Moon Roar, Pharice 2, Tropica, Dizzy, Imposand, Limitless, Baby Aim 1.0, Wonderland, Noovice!, some brutals are, Teeish Mine, Teetrader, DoomWorld II, Lobster Party, Soap, milk, A Strange Dream, Nightstar 2, Relentless, Rogue World, SkyLand2, Indicud, Sperance, Speedfly, Generica, Lockdown, Reckless, Nostalgia, Aim 11.0, Naufrage 3, I can't play insane yet, but some good ones are, Aimbot, Not Naufrage 4, Shawker, Ravillion, New Generation and Aimlicious. This is not a complet list, but its some of the maps I like for novice, mod, burtal, and insane, these newer maps, just arn't the same, they are not as fun or as well designed, feels sloppy