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Between 2024-12-12 00:00 and 2024-12-13 00:00
dont mention client names directly and #β-create-a-ticket please
It's probably custom AI driven, which noby finetunes to get expected results from a cheater
it's better to have false positives, then less positives overall
After all, he did have that antibot system for more than 3 years, it can get to a point, where it's measurement on detecting actual botting is higher, than any mods could ever do
I don't see you cheat, I say that his antibot system is far more advanced, than whatever methods on preventing cheating has been done over the years on any community
@noby if you want to comment on this, then I would like to hear what you think
I forgot, but afair you can solo swing to the right, so get the dummy under the platform, hook and walk over to get him on the "L" shaped platform, then swing over and grab him.
Check if you can swing beforehand, otherwise this might fail you
I don't see you cheat, I say that his antibot system is far more advanced, than whatever methods on preventing cheating has been done over the years on any community
The point being is that nody's bot detection was the one and only detection system, where it automatically bans suspects based on certain input changes
And comparing to all other methods to banish bots from playing their gamemodes, FNG is simple enough to detect certain cheats which are used for gaining a competitive advantage, such as trigger bot or aim bot, almost the same time it happenes(edited)
Mind you, it might not detect TAS bots or any other bots with a different purpose, such as zooming out or camera manipulation stuff, it is the server's job to avoid damage
And guess what, noby has his own server, figuring out ways to take down those cheats as well
DDRace, Kog and Race mods require you to have a detection system against TAS bots or "Gores" like bots, where rapid hooks are present, to cheat a certain part.
Well, there are inhuman feats you can look for. No one aims center mass of a tee perfectly every time. No one moves their cursor in perfect lines every time. Sure it's not 100% but it does get very close. Heuristics work with confidence scores
You keep track of many things, if too many of them look too sus
Well, there are inhuman feats you can look for. No one aims center mass of a tee perfectly every time. No one moves their cursor in perfect lines every time. Sure it's not 100% but it does get very close. Heuristics work with confidence scores
considering the jankiness of server ticks, it's really difficult to get the bot to adapt to those delays, but it'll never mimic 100% accuracy... so yeah you are right
There's three ways
one is bot client, the second is funny binds, and third is having skill (but having skill gets you the least impressive results, sadly)