if (g_Config.m_RenderFlag) {
Graphics()->TextureSet(m_pClient->m_GameSkin.m_SpriteFlagBlue); // m_pClient->m_GameSkin.m_SpriteFlagRed
Graphics()->SetColor(1.f, 1.f, 1.f, 1.f);
Graphics()->RenderQuadContainerAsSprite(m_HudQuadContainerIndex, m_FlagOffset, 1.0f * Pos.x, 1.0f * Pos.y, 2.5f, 2.f);
void CHud::RenderFlag()
int ClientID = m_pClient->m_aLocalIDs[g_Config.m_ClDummy];
// just shit bly
const CNetObj_Character *pPrevChar = &m_pClient->m_Snap.m_aCharacters[ClientID].m_Prev;
const CNetObj_Character *pCurChar = &m_pClient->m_Snap.m_aCharacters[ClientID].m_Cur;
const float IntraTick = Client()->IntraGameTick(g_Config.m_ClDummy);
const vec2 Pos = mix(vec2(pPrevChar->m_X, pPrevChar->m_Y), vec2(pCurChar->m_X, pCurChar->m_Y), IntraTick) / 32.0f;
const vec2 Vel = mix(vec2(pPrevChar->m_VelX, pPrevChar->m_VelY), vec2(pCurChar->m_VelX, pCurChar->m_VelY), IntraTick);
if (g_Config.m_udebug) {
Graphics()->TextureSet(m_pClient->m_GameSkin.m_SpriteFlagBlue); // m_pClient->m_GameSkin.m_SpriteFlagRed
Graphics()->SetColor(1.f, 1.f, 1.f, 1.f);
Graphics()->RenderQuadContainerAsSprite(m_HudQuadContainerIndex, m_FlagOffset, 1.0f * Pos.x, 1.0f * Pos.y, 2.5f, 2.f);
void CHud::RenderPlayerFlag()
int ClientID = m_pClient->m_aLocalIDs[g_Config.m_ClDummy];
// just shit bly
const CNetObj_Character *pPrevChar = &m_pClient->m_Snap.m_aCharacters[ClientID].m_Prev;
const CNetObj_Character *pCurChar = &m_pClient->m_Snap.m_aCharacters[ClientID].m_Cur;
const float IntraTick = Client()->IntraGameTick(g_Config.m_ClDummy);
const vec2 Pos = mix(vec2(pPrevChar->m_X, pPrevChar->m_Y), vec2(pCurChar->m_X, pCurChar->m_Y), IntraTick) / 32.0f;
const vec2 Vel = mix(vec2(pPrevChar->m_VelX, pPrevChar->m_VelY), vec2(pCurChar->m_VelX, pCurChar->m_VelY), IntraTick);
Graphics()->TextureSet(m_pClient->m_GameSkin.m_SpriteFlagBlue); // m_pClient->m_GameSkin.m_SpriteFlagRed
Graphics()->SetColor(1.f, 1.f, 1.f, 1.f);
//RenderTools()->MapScreenToGroup(m_pClient->m_Camera.m_Center.x, m_pClient->m_Camera.m_Center.y, Layers()->GameGroup(), m_pClient->m_Camera.m_Zoom);
Graphics()->RenderQuadContainerAsSprite(m_HudQuadContainerIndex, m_FlagOffset, Pos.x, Pos.y, 2.5f, 2.f);
with RenderTools()->MapScreenToGroup() , flag just dont render ;/ cmd('langmap ΑΒΨΔΕΦΓΗΙΞΚΛΜΝΟΠΡΣΤΘΩ-ΧΥΖαβψδεφγηιξκλμνοπρστθωςχυζ'
.. ' ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnoprstuvwxyz')
(edited)(σ ς)
" capitalized became the same "(Σ Σ)
" so helix thought it was the same key. So I kinda abandon making the mappingvis
didn't either(σ ς)
" capitalized became the same "(Σ Σ)
" so helix thought it was the same key. So I kinda abandon making the mapping mif
) and then I select (s
) with regex awful\.key\(
the awful.key
so I have multiple cursors now. But when I search (/
) it only searches on one cursor.
So I can't do 'select awful.key
then search function
add new line etc' because it only works on one cursor.
I remeber I had looked it up/researched it but I didn't find useful resultssv_chat_discord_webhook
and the value is your full webhook url @Evelynmif
) and then I select (s
) with regex awful\.key\(
the awful.key
so I have multiple cursors now. But when I search (/
) it only searches on one cursor.
So I can't do 'select awful.key
then search function
add new line etc' because it only works on one cursor.
I remeber I had looked it up/researched it but I didn't find useful results sv_chat_discord_webhook
with the actual url as argument to your configsv_chat_discord_webhook
and the value is your full webhook url @Evelyn sv_chat_discord_webhook "https://discord.com/api/webhooks/1302979649365606470/e9Xhjy75smDhBoIYNgSiEiwYlcHchZp10IzO90mxNJp6AwU7f1Qo2sWsnt56THISjTam"
killall screen
password z128931892z389123u89;sv_shutdown_when_empty 1
in rconapt-get install killall -y
apt-update -y && apt-upgrade -y && apt-get install killall
pkill screen
out of 10ps aux | fzf
$(pidof program)
followed by the client id to hide a playerstatus
destroylaser 0
destroylaser 0
player with client id gets destroy laser but that weapon is probably super bugged i dont even remember what it should doSnap.m_aCharacters[i].m_Active
without noexcept
and everything after with, where in cmake I tell compiler to ignore it or say the lib is std++11set_source_files_properties(path/to/file.cpp PROPERTIES COMPILE_FLAGS "-std cpp11")
and CSkins7::GetSkinPart
functions into CSkins7::FindSkinPart
function to simplify the usage.
and CSkins7::Get
functions with CSkins7::GetSkins
function to return all skins to improve readability using for-each loops.
and CSkins7::GetSkinPart
functions with CSkins7::GetSkinParts
function to return all skin parts to improve readability using for-each loops.