function defined in source code // from /usr/include/unistd.h
extern long int syscall (long int __sysno, ...) __THROW;
does 5/10
, maybe it's possible to integrate SEARCH_EXCLUDE_AND_TOKEN = '&'
, it will probably cause some issues with order calculation.
Another way is to add button near 'clear' that will switch logic...{{server.join_team%Learath2%60}}
which the client would show as Learath2 has joined team 60
which the client would show as Learath2 has joined team 60
which the client would show as Learath2 has joined team 60
with a 5 characters like de-de
or some standard
with a 5 characters like de-de
or some standard
and nothing about the protocol is stopping us from adding
and CDataFileReader::Close
functions may be called. All other functions will now assert instead of returning some default-values if no file is open. The CDataFileReader::Open
function will now assert if the file is already open instead of implicitly closing the previous one.
trait that should expose mutable parts of itselfCell
, doesn't fit since i need to use it immutably too
2. RefCell
, doesn't fit since i want to return reference to field of borrowed refcell?Sized
i can't use &mut Whatever
as return typeSelf: Sized
? ^^struct Abuse {
noby: EpicClonableBigObject
impl Noby for Abuse {
fn noby(& [need mut to expose itself] self) -> &mut EpicClonableBigObject {
&mut self.noby
trait Noby {
fn noby(& [no mut since it should be object safe] self) -> &mut EpicClonableBigObject;
impl Noby for &mut Abuse {
fn noby(self) -> &mut EpicClonableBigObject {
&mut self.noby
struct Abuse {
noby: EpicClonableBigObject
impl Noby for Abuse {
fn noby(& [need mut to expose itself] self) -> &mut EpicClonableBigObject {
&mut self.noby
trait Noby {
fn noby(& [no mut since it should be object safe] self) -> &mut EpicClonableBigObject;
struct Abuse {
noby: EpicClonableBigObject
impl Noby for Abuse {
fn noby(& [need mut to expose itself] self) -> &mut EpicClonableBigObject {
&mut self.noby
trait Noby {
fn noby(& [no mut since it should be object safe] self) -> &mut EpicClonableBigObject;
isn't that strict, i will use it// epnicclonableobject = Vec<usize>
struct Abuse {
noby: Vec<usize>
impl Noby for Abuse {
fn noby(&mut self) -> &mut Vec<usize> {
&mut self.noby
trait Noby {
fn noby(&mut self) -> &mut Vec<usize>;
isn't that strict, i will use it // epnicclonableobject = Vec<usize>
struct Abuse {
noby: Vec<usize>
impl Noby for Abuse {
fn noby(&mut self) -> &mut Vec<usize> {
&mut self.noby
trait Noby {
fn noby(&mut self) -> &mut Vec<usize>;
though, mercy me oh lord5991a3e19fc
Make CCharacter::SetSuper() idempotent - timakro
Add rcon command "invincible" which does nothing yet - timakro
Make invincible players immune to freeze, death and teleport tiles and give them unlimited jumps - timakro
Add practice command /invincible to toggle invincible mode - timakro
Render sparkling trail for invincible players - timakro
Merge pull request #9047 from timakro/pr-add-invincible-mode - def-