If you vote random unfinished map and a moderator forces the vote, it will not be necessarily an unfinished map for you, but for the one who forced the vote...
basically these 2 steps are important
image mode must be RGB,
in the layer props bottom right u can rightclick your image layer and add an alpha channel
Do we have an issue for it somewhere? We probably know very early on in the loading process, right? Whatever png library we use nowadays should know that
Do we have an issue for it somewhere? We probably know very early on in the loading process, right? Whatever png library we use nowadays should know that
ranks have difficulties beeing properly uploaded to the db - please wait 24-48hours, if the rank still doesn't appear please use #✉-create-a-ticket and create an admin-mail
ranks have difficulties beeing properly uploaded to the db - please wait 24-48hours, if the rank still doesn't appear please use #✉-create-a-ticket and create an admin-mail