str_format(aBuf, sizeof(aBuf), "dropped weird message '%s' (%d), failed on '%s'", m_NetObjHandler.GetMsgName(MsgId), MsgId, m_NetObjHandler.FailedMsgOn());
if let Expr::Binary(ExprBinary{op: BinOp::LogicarOr, left, right}) = *expr.right {
rust's if let
expressions are so gooodcl_spec_cursor
, cl_spec_cursor_interp
, cl_spec_cursor_demo
SpecCursor snapshot contains cursor info of two ticks, with prev-info delta encoded, (which is then delta encoded again by snapshot deltas), expect about 5~7 bytes per player per snap pre-huffman.
The decision of including two ticks of input is to make sur...m_Snap.m_aCharacters[i].m_ExtendedData.m_TargetX
data into your PR and it works instantly?2
was from previous codeconfig_directory
or config_directory.bat
file in the game's folder. Then you can delete settings_ddnet.cfg
so your settings will reset. (this includes your key binds and skins tho, maybe backup the file and use a text editor to transfer the settings you want) cmp byte ptr [rbp - 1], 0
je .L0
2024-08-21 17:45:22 I register: Server info length: 15964
2024-08-21 17:46:45 I register: Server info length: 16888
024-08-21 17:46:45 E register/6/ipv4: error response from master: 413: The request payload is too large
So ~108 players maximum now until master registration failed More to come soon.
we are waiting fn foo(...) -> ret_type
it would make senseCHAT_COMMAND
macro any more. They're now defined in the RegisterDDRaceCommands()
function instead. What exactly doesn't work?CHAT_COMMAND
macro any more. They're now defined in the RegisterDDRaceCommands()
function instead. What exactly doesn't work?