instruction is used, it pushes only return address on a stack(8 bytes on x86_64) or smth else?call
instruction is used, it pushes only return address on a stack(8 bytes on x86_64) or smth else? alignment
in the top?
but then i moved in
so i don't need that functionoffset
is 0)2024-08-15 10:02:26 E http: failed. libcurl error (28): Operation too slow. Less than 500 bytes/sec transferred the last 5 seconds
2024-08-15 10:02:26 E register/6/ipv4: error sending request to master
Fri Apr 26 09:29:20 2024 >>> net-libs/nodejs-20.12.1
merge time: 5 minutes and 46 seconds.
Fri Jul 5 13:51:37 2024 >>> net-libs/nodejs-22.3.0
merge time: 9 minutes and 28 seconds.
Thu Aug 15 09:41:23 2024 >>> net-libs/nodejs-22.4.1-r1
merge time: 10 minutes and 40 seconds.
690 mod 256 = 178
xd puts
printf("hello world\n");
when it should be puts("hello world");
void printf(u8 *format);
u8 main() {
u8 end;
end = 0;
u8 d;
d = 100;
u8 l;
l = 108;
u8 r;
r = 114;
u8 o;
o = 111;
u8 w;
w = 119;
u8 space;
space = 32;
u8 comma;
comma = 44;
u8 o2;
o2 = o;
u8 l2;
l2 = l;
u8 l3;
l3 = 108;
u8 e;
e = 101;
u8 H;
H = 72;
printf("hello world\n")
to puts("hello world")
instead of puts
in the general caseprintf
anywayprintf(&H, 200, 200, 200)
.section .text
.global main
push rbp
mov rbp, rsp
sub rsp, 16
mov byte ptr [rbp - 1], 0
mov byte ptr [rbp - 2], 100
mov byte ptr [rbp - 3], 37
mov byte ptr [rbp - 4], 32
lea r15, [rbp - 2]
mov r14b, byte ptr [r15]
mov byte ptr [rbp - 5], r14b
mov byte ptr [rbp - 6], 108
mov byte ptr [rbp - 7], 114
mov byte ptr [rbp - 8], 111
mov byte ptr [rbp - 9], 119
lea r15, [rbp - 4]
mov r14b, byte ptr [r15]
mov byte ptr [rbp - 10], r14b
mov byte ptr [rbp - 11], 44
lea r15, [rbp - 8]
mov r14b, byte ptr [r15]
mov byte ptr [rbp - 12], r14b
lea r15, [rbp - 6]
mov r14b, byte ptr [r15]
mov byte ptr [rbp - 13], r14b
mov byte ptr [rbp - 14], 108
mov byte ptr [rbp - 15], 101
mov byte ptr [rbp - 16], 72
lea r14, [rbp - 16]
mov r15, r14
mov rdi, r15
mov r15b, 200
mov rsi, r15
call printf
add rsp, 16
mov r15, 200
is goated.%hhd
to print an 8bit integer? mov r15b, 200
movzx rsi, r15b
now it generates this and it works u8
type, should I just make a char
type an alias for u8
? :\type
word a keywordtype_
and it's ugly _
at the end of the name xdtype
word a keyword typedef
keyword xdregister/6/ipv4
lines, there should be register/7
stdout_output_level 1
?stdout_output_level 1
? sv_sixup
on the running server?sv_sixup
while server is up, it doesn't show any errors, but fails to register for sure
sv_sixup 1 > fifo
2024-08-15 12:45:55 I register/7/ipv4: registering...
2024-08-15 12:45:55 I console: executing 'types/anime/flexreset.cfg'
2024-08-15 12:45:55 I console: executing 'reset.cfg'
2024-08-15 12:45:55 I tuning: laser_bounce_num changed to 1000.00
2024-08-15 12:45:55 I tuning: grenade_lifetime changed to 2.00
2024-08-15 12:45:55 I tuning: laser_reach changed to 800.00
2024-08-15 12:45:55 I console: executing 'types/anime/flexname.cfg'
2024-08-15 12:45:55 I console: executing 'types/anime/flexvotes.cfg'
2024-08-15 12:45:55 I server: option ' ' already exists
2024-08-15 12:45:55 I console: executing 'types/anime/votes.cfg'
2024-08-15 12:45:55 I teehistorian: recording to 'teehistorian/474246fd-7af9-4cd3-be81-28c2fb042fc2.teehistorian'
2024-08-15 12:45:55 I sql: failed to open wordlist, using fallback
2024-08-15 12:45:55 I sql: [4] load best time done on read database 0
at the end of the registering… log line?-
at the end of the registering… log line? sv_sixup
while server is up, it doesn't show any errors, but fails to register for sure
sv_sixup 1 > fifo
2024-08-15 12:45:55 I register/7/ipv4: registering...
2024-08-15 12:45:55 I console: executing 'types/anime/flexreset.cfg'
2024-08-15 12:45:55 I console: executing 'reset.cfg'
2024-08-15 12:45:55 I tuning: laser_bounce_num changed to 1000.00
2024-08-15 12:45:55 I tuning: grenade_lifetime changed to 2.00
2024-08-15 12:45:55 I tuning: laser_reach changed to 800.00
2024-08-15 12:45:55 I console: executing 'types/anime/flexname.cfg'
2024-08-15 12:45:55 I console: executing 'types/anime/flexvotes.cfg'
2024-08-15 12:45:55 I server: option ' ' already exists
2024-08-15 12:45:55 I console: executing 'types/anime/votes.cfg'
2024-08-15 12:45:55 I teehistorian: recording to 'teehistorian/474246fd-7af9-4cd3-be81-28c2fb042fc2.teehistorian'
2024-08-15 12:45:55 I sql: failed to open wordlist, using fallback
2024-08-15 12:45:55 I sql: [4] load best time done on read database 0
not in cmd
D:sudo apt install build-essential cargo cmake git glslang-tools google-mock libavcodec-extra libavdevice-dev libavfilter-dev libavformat-dev libavutil-dev libcurl4-openssl-dev libfreetype6-dev libglew-dev libnotify-dev libogg-dev libopus-dev libopusfile-dev libpng-dev libsdl2-dev libsqlite3-dev libssl-dev libvulkan-dev libwavpack-dev libx264-dev python3 rustc spirv-tools`
git clone --recursive
cd ddnet-insta
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
make -j$(nproc)
as my neovim LSP is pretty decentsv_register ipv6
or sv_register ipv4
# 0=csv 1=psv 2=ascii table 3=markdown table 4=json
sv_round_stats_format 1
sv_round_stats_discord_webhook ""