It wasn't even the entire decision, they wanted to create some new categories of maps, which we thought wasn't really needed or distinct enough from the current categories. I was even willing to give it a go just to see if we'd get some traction on them, but no one even wanted to discuss whether ddnet needed 2 new categories
To respond and provide some context,
after more than a week of discussions (not a random proposal and all the channels are accessible on your side), we came up with this new category (not useless, it facilitates rerating and future rating and adds new styles to play) and for the first time, all the testers agreed among themselves along with a general hype from other players who participated and followed the discussion.
The admins responded with "no" and never brought the debate back to the table even though the testers did 2 or 3 times, with the only argument being "you did not clearly present the proposal to the admins," which I find rather hypocritical considering what is added by the devs (who are mostly not very active or qualified players). I'm specifically thinking about the physics changes (the rocket map tunes that are unplayable), random changes in the editor, and the change in the way of /tp which was reinstated afterward (by the way, still not fixed for the test server rcon).