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information / records
🏁 Keep track of top 1 (team)ranks
Between 2024-05-15 00:00:00Z and 2024-05-16 00:00:00Z
🇩🇪 Top 1 rank on [Solo] run_guy_25: 03:38.80 uq (next best time: 03:40.34 - 0.7% improvement!)
🫨 21
poggers2 20
owo 8
poggers 8
monkaStop 8
🌠 6
wtf 8
f3 6
think_bot 7
what 7
oop 6
ww 6
sendhelp 7
hey 6
music 6
🐔 6
troll 6
bluekitty 6
ninja 6
gigachad 9
🇨🇳 Top 1 team rank on [Brutal] Pink Destiny: 02:26.92 Purgatory & galaxyslayer (next best time: 02:35.88 - 5.7% improvement!)
🇵🇱 Top 1 rank on [Solo] Fly to the Legends 2: 01:27.86 canDreW_0 (next best time: 01:33.30 - 5.8% improvement!)
what 1
think_bot 2
🤔 2
Exported 3 message(s)