This channel is for all Teeworlds/DDNet and related chat. Gameplay questions can be asked here as well rather than in #questions. Ingame screenshots and any other Teeworlds related media goes to #showroom.
Between 2024-05-04 00:00:00Z and 2024-05-05 00:00:00Z
Do you all have nerves of steel?? Like, I (accidentally) ruined someone's 1h run of Kobra 4, and they were not angry at me! (edited)
snowy is a blocker and negativo is a moderator and I voted to expel snowy and he aborted the vote and I explained it to him and he didn't care because he was a moderator this is an abuse of power even more so because his girlfriend who was in the chat said that he was a moderator and could do whatever he wanted
sorry about the part where the screen goes white, I'm learning how to export demo and record
First and foremost: DDNet and KoG aren't affiliated.
You are not required to log-in on a DDNet server.
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There are numerous graphics (gfx) related bugs users encountered. Not all are fixable, but might have workarounds.
This site is there to collect these to help those encountering the same issues.
I don't see something specific. It's quite skilled, but the theory behind is simple: get your dummy over the freeze, hammer it, switch and proceed hammerflying
He obviously doesnt know english and cant use a translator, and when they tell him that his texts is confusing, he says that hes being trolled. Why should i stay nice ️
@👣♦ 𝕄ùร𝓼𝓐_ү𝓣 ✎✊ why do you think Mugi keeps on going? - if you were to be smart enough to not care about him - you'd stop texting, initially stopping this conversation