New: %appdata%\DDNet
On Linux:
Old: ~/.teeworlds
New: ~/.local/share/ddnet
On macOS:
Old: ~/Library/Application Support/Teeworlds
New: ~/Library/Application Support/DDNet
The settings_ddnet.cfg file contains all your friends, control, player & game settings.cl_dummy_hook, cl_dummy_fire, cl_dummy_jump
without using cl_dummy_control 1
dummy copy without copy hook and copy look direction (edited)no
. (edited)bind <key> "toggle gfx_fullscreen 0 1"
New: %appdata%\DDNet
On Linux:
Old: ~/.teeworlds
New: ~/.local/share/ddnet
On macOS:
Old: ~/Library/Application Support/Teeworlds
New: ~/Library/Application Support/DDNet
The settings_ddnet.cfg file contains all your friends, control, player & game settings./spec
chat command