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DDraceNetwork / mapping
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Between 2024-03-17 00:00:00Z and 2024-03-18 00:00:00Z
Hey guys, I was wondering: how do I do to map a speed check solo part with a door that triggers for each tee in the team separately? (meaning that if one stays on the off button it doesn't work for his teammate and he has to do it himself) If I remember correctly, I have played a map with this feature but I didn't pay attention to how it was done and also I don't remember the name of the map... I have thought about working around it and double the part (one for each tee) but it doesn't look clean and can still be cheated when in a team of more than 2 players... Any help? (edited)
(btw i'm not the mapper, @qxdFox is but he sucks at asking questions lmao)
f_floosh 1
owo 1
thatshowitisonthisbofanearth 1
fh_foxlul 1
You can limit team sizes to 2p, and I think you can't have switches affect people separately. However I could be misremembering
Cause now that I think about it solo maps have switches
You can limit team sizes to 2p, and I think you can't have switches affect people separately. However I could be misremembering
Pretty sure you cant, solo maps are just different
Yea probably
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