This channel is for all Teeworlds/DDNet and related chat. Gameplay questions can be asked here as well rather than in #questions. Ingame screenshots and any other Teeworlds related media goes to #showroom.
Between 2024-03-06 00:00:00Z and 2024-03-07 00:00:00Z
2024-03-06 19:28:33 I chat: Vappy: Your team would've finished in: 1 minute(s) 32.42 second(s). Since you had practice mode enabled your rank doesn't count. FIX /PRACTICE, i kill all time, practice still keeping for no reason..
2024-03-06 19:28:33 I chat: Vappy: Your team would've finished in: 1 minute(s) 32.42 second(s). Since you had practice mode enabled your rank doesn't count. FIX /PRACTICE, i kill all time, practice still keeping for no reason..
2024-03-06 19:28:33 I chat: Vappy: Your team would've finished in: 1 minute(s) 32.42 second(s). Since you had practice mode enabled your rank doesn't count. FIX /PRACTICE, i kill all time, practice still keeping for no reason..
if team is locked and you havent hit the startline it stays in practice mode(edited)
2024-03-06 19:28:33 I chat: Vappy: Your team would've finished in: 1 minute(s) 32.42 second(s). Since you had practice mode enabled your rank doesn't count. FIX /PRACTICE, i kill all time, practice still keeping for no reason..
My guess is that you died on a kill tile while having practice on, so practice stayed on, then you finished. Otherwise it would have been disabled as Yubel said(edited)
Tested the change ingame
Provided screenshots if it is a visual change
Tested in combination with possibly related configuration options
Written a unit test (especially base/) or add...