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Between 2024-02-14 00:00:00Z and 2024-02-15 00:00:00Z
does anyone know why people kick others for "faking nameless tee"? isn't it a default username? and if people can be the fake nameless tee, who even is the real "nameless tee"??
does anyone know why people kick others for "faking nameless tee"? isn't it a default username? and if people can be the fake nameless tee, who even is the real "nameless tee"??
does anyone know why people kick others for "faking nameless tee"? isn't it a default username? and if people can be the fake nameless tee, who even is the real "nameless tee"??
Kicking nameless tee is a totally based thing. Besides the fact that kicking is of course bad.
This name is often used by people to do harm and get away with it. So I treat every nameless tee as if they were all the nameless tees that did annoy me once. No matter if they are or not. I just cba to give people a clean slate when they are clearly abusing it
This name is often used by people to do harm and get away with it. So I treat every nameless tee as if they were all the nameless tees that did annoy me once. No matter if they are or not. I just cba to give people a clean slate when they are clearly abusing it
does anyone know why people kick others for "faking nameless tee"? isn't it a default username? and if people can be the fake nameless tee, who even is the real "nameless tee"??
This name is often used by people to do harm and get away with it. So I treat every nameless tee as if they were all the nameless tees that did annoy me once. No matter if they are or not. I just cba to give people a clean slate when they are clearly abusing it
personally i've never had a nameless tee intentionally kill or block others (i've seen some of them try, but they don't usually know what they're doing and end up freezing themselves), for me it's usually just being at the most critical point of the map, them having to save you, and falling into freeze themselves because of their 1h playtime skill issue
personally i've never had a nameless tee intentionally kill or block others (i've seen some of them try, but they don't usually know what they're doing and end up freezing themselves), for me it's usually just being at the most critical point of the map, them having to save you, and falling into freeze themselves because of their 1h playtime skill issue
does anyone know why people kick others for "faking nameless tee"? isn't it a default username? and if people can be the fake nameless tee, who even is the real "nameless tee"??