cyberfighter — 06.07.2023 05:31
@ReiTW Please add sex to Blockworlds. I believe that it could truly make the name "Birth lock worlds" accurate. Whenever i see a clanmate with the "Twinbop" skin i get an extremely large boner. When you have sex with a twinbop clanmate, it should give birth to babies which share your and your clanmate's skin. And also add rare chances for twins, triplets, which spawn more babies. These babies will act as extra clanmates, blocking the enemies. There is a cooldown to having sex. The babies ARE the B in blmaproyale. "Babieslmaproyale". And also add condoms, bought in the store for 50 points, which adds a 95% chance of not spawning babies. Sex is done by hammering your clanmate lots of times. Hope you take my suggestion seriously and add this to the game. It will revive your server and make it number 1 most active. And also add Abortions, which will kill a baby tee, but give the mother extra hammer firerate. Your babies should also be able to grow up after some time, too. And one more thing, perhaps, dildo hook? And some cosmetics on the fetuses/infants. Peace out. @ReiTW