VkInstanceCreateInfo CreateInfo{
.pApplicationInfo = &AppInfo,
.enabledLayerCount = static_cast<uint32_t>(WantedLayers.size()),
.ppEnabledLayerNames = WantedLayers.size() ? WantedLayers.data() : nullptr,
.enabledExtensionCount = GLFWRequiredExtensionCount,
.ppEnabledExtensionNames = GLFWRequiredExtensions,
metoo Plug 'ctrlpvim/ctrlp.vim'
Plug 'mg979/vim-visual-multi', {'branch': 'master'}
and 1st doesnt. SetLoggers
takes 2 std::shared_ptr<ILogger>&&
:\ (edited)std::move
and 1st doesnt. SetLoggers
takes 2 std::shared_ptr<ILogger>&&
:\ (edited)m_pGetServers->State()
is EHttpState::ERROR
?pGetServers->State() != ERROR
and never call ResultJson
if !Success
(which is technically still the same condition) and ResultJson
should only be called when pGetServers->State() == EHttpState::DONE
. We still need the fallback code at the end if the task has failed.sudo apt-get install mariadb libmariadbclient-dev
is EHttpState::ERROR