tic tac toe in teeworlds... how many outcomes we have exactly?
counting 9 empties, 9 x and 9 o spots that together add up to 9 in a max 4/5 senario, etc
around millions
so yes, you may be able to do tic tac toe in teeworlds using teleports and position para layering... however how large the map and the outcomes will be... bruh
way less than a million. First player has 9 possibilities, then 8 for second player, then 7, 6, 5 and now game might already end, at most 9! = 362880 and at min 15120 (9!/4!)
Still seems like an unrealistic number to hardcode with switchers
way less than a million. First player has 9 possibilities, then 8 for second player, then 7, 6, 5 and now game might already end, at most 9! = 362880 and at min 15120 (9!/4!)