ByPolx opened a ticket on KoG and was asking how to get the ninja animation while being in freeze.
Since I don't know how about it, I told them to ask in this channel since its most likely to get a answer here.
If they mean the katana while frozen, they have to download an older version of the client, it was removed about a year or so ago, since having a katana while frozen didn't make any sense.
I believe there's plans to eventually change the ninja skin as well, but people haven't really gotten around to doing that yet
If they mean the katana while frozen, they have to download an older version of the client, it was removed about a year or so ago, since having a katana while frozen didn't make any sense.
You can disable resetting weapon on death and change your kill bind to kill and change weapon but unfortunately non-manually-triggered deaths and spawning still wouldn't switch to hammer(edited)
For some reason on POL servers I lag like A LOT while on ger I'm fine. usually I'm also good on pol. did something change on pol servers or any ideas? ^^'
Hello everyone. I have a really old maps and want publish it. Maps around 2009-2010 year
Who can help me with?
You can disable resetting weapon on death and change your kill bind to kill and change weapon but unfortunately non-manually-triggered deaths and spawning still wouldn't switch to hammer (edited)