and DDNet
config directoryDDNet
one will be usedDDNet-Server
still running?netstat -o -n -a | find "7552"
to see if the process still has any connections openwmic process where name="DDNet.exe" call terminate
(as admin)wmic process where name="DDNet.exe" call terminate
(as admin) services.msc
and check if you somehow installed DDNet as a serviceservices.msc
and check if you somehow installed DDNet as a service services.msc
and check if you somehow installed DDNet as a service PsExec64.exe -s -i powershell.exe
Shutdown /r /p
that should do a full shutdown and reboot. Just incase the shift one didnt work for some reason.shutdown /r /p
Shutdown /s /t 5
2-physical off button on the computer
3-unplug computerw3m: Can't load ger10.ddnet.org.
shutdown /r /p
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const int TextureLoadFlags = Uses2DTextureArrays() ? IGraphics::TEXLOAD_TO_2D_ARRAY_TEXTURE : IGraphics::TEXLOAD_TO_3D_TEXTURE;
from a very quick look it seems gl 1.x would also try to create these textures.. i doubt this magically changes the driver, but still throws an error probs