Question for mappers .
When you are done with 1 part for your map .
How many minutes it takes you to create it from start to finish ? 1.Most of time , 2.lucky with part creation and test (part works and all is perfect ) and 3.not lucky and you have to create new part ?
For me most time for creating 1 part 1-2hours .
If lucky 20 minutes and less.
Not lucky 4 hours + and still not managing to create part .
Depends on the difficulty, as well as "style". There are many parts that effectively play the same as already existing parts. Trying to come up with fresh parts that have little connection to previous parts usually takes way more time. Novice parts can take 5 minutes, while insane parts (or more unique styled parts) can take hours. Considering most people are mapping moderate and brutal parts, I would say an average part takes about an hour. If by luck you mean a "spark" in your imagination, it shouldnt take more than 15 minutes to map it out if your idea is clear enough. As for being "unlucky", I just consider this creative block, and I usually don't bother trying to map anything complicated, time could be spent better when you don't have a great idea for a part. It's better to map a part when you have a clear idea or set of ideas than to try to force out ideas.