struct CSample
short *m_pData;
int m_NumFrames;
int m_Rate;
int m_Channels;
int m_LoopStart;
int m_LoopEnd;
int m_PausedAt;
struct CChannel
int m_Vol;
int m_Pan;
struct CVoice
CSample *m_pSample;
CChannel *m_pChannel;
int m_Age; // increases when reused
int m_Tick;
int m_Vol; // 0 - 255
int m_Flags;
int m_X, m_Y;
float m_Falloff; // [0.0, 1.0]
int m_Shape;
ISound::CVoiceShapeCircle m_Circle;
ISound::CVoiceShapeRectangle m_Rectangle;
im kinda confused by the sound stuff.
what does m_Shape do?
is it only related to positional falloff or is it smth else? (edited)HDP_Obstaculos
earliest known release date is 17-Apr-2016 18:55
Pablik 1
earliest known release date date is 18-Sep-2011 20:23