the great flood specifically is a weak example but yes there is a huge percentage of people here who ignorantly believe all the stories from the bible as if they were fact
yes i know i noticed, but im just saying why commercial pirated software wins, because people sometimes want to do something once and forget forever or just on a bunch of pictures
@Ryozuki spent weekend, doing what learath once said about searching deep into myself and looking at wall, for a brief moment i thought about ditching IT and going to study medicine
but then woke up today and realised it might be even worse of an idea + it's extremely big commitment to study for 8 years
ultimately i have no idea in which direction i want to elad my life
because it's hard to even practice legally without owing land
shooting guns on shooting range isnt for me already tried that, doesnt fascinate me either
will be honest i did try ASG once and it was kinda fun
but im no longer fit 'enough' (ofc this is solveable issue)
Bob Ross really shows how easy it is to paint in certain style :v
either way, if i had unlimited moneym i most likely would travel some, then settle in a small house with big plot of land (not as big as farmland) in some village, and probably learn foregin languages, to consume their media/books
but alas, huge part of life is indeed about work
and looking at people around, and over the interent thorough the years, besides oddjobs who usually change from low wage work to another low wage one, people somewhat stick to their learned / most practised job
and while asking them nearly none would change anymore, because of responsibilities, and getting used to certain income and safety net
so overall it's pretty late to make any decisions
for example im already too old for forest ranger as in i would have to redo school (not like university so very weird) but then U're tied to goverment which sucks
i do like helping people out, but also dont like working with people, so repairman does sound somewhat appealing