Time to rate it!
I sometimes make maps to show on this channel, if most people agree that I should finish it, then I will finish it and release.
- Good map, nice parts, finish and release.
- Bad, very many bugs, boring, etc. (edited)
[Para X = 0 Para Y = 0 ] = Follow The Camera.
[Para X = 100 Para Y = 100] = Stay Put
[Para X = 100 Para Y = 0] = Lateral Movement
[Para X = 0 Para Y = 100] = Longitudinal Movement
The ddnet editor was made so people can suffer while using it.
Time to rate it!
I sometimes make maps to show on this channel, if most people agree that I should finish it, then I will finish it and release.
- Good map, nice parts, finish and release.
- Bad, very many bugs, boring, etc. (edited)