. After one or two changes the client will crash:
Error occurred on Wednesday, July 26, 2023 at 11:46:42.
DDNet.exe caused an Access Violation at location 00007FF7EBE03DC9 in module DDNet.exe Reading from location 0000000000000008.
AddrPC Params
00007FF7EBE03DC9 00000213365CB040 000000000000001F 000000003F800000 DDNet.exe!CConsole::ResetServerGameSettin...mem_init
? calling constructors and zeroing everything else?{}
?ssl = False
in the line after ssl = _merge_ssl_params(ssl, verify_ssl, ssl_context, fingerprint)
in /usr/lib/python3.11/site-packages/aiohttp/[2023-07-26 17:26:45][DEBUG][discord.gateway]: For Shard ID None: WebSocket Event: {'t': 'CHANNEL_UPDATE', 's': 344, 'op': 0, 'd': {'version': 1690385204989, 'type': 0, 'topic': '**"caterpillar4"** by **Test** [Race]', 'theme_color': None, 'rate_limit_per_user': 0, 'position': 135, 'permission_overwrites': [{'type': 0, 'id': '746414504488861747', 'deny': '0', 'allow': '8192'}, {'type': 1, 'id': '216912122083409925', 'deny': '0', 'allow': '1024'}, {'type': 1, 'id': '849574991804497940', 'deny': '0', 'allow': '1024'}, {'type': 0, 'id': '421357200234250240', 'deny': '0', 'allow': '1088'}, {'type': 1, 'id': '1099262920497582099', 'deny': '0', 'allow': '1024'}, {'type': 0, 'id': '455814387169755176', 'deny': '0', 'allow': '1024'}, {'type': 0, 'id': '252358080522747904', 'deny': '1024', 'allow': '0'}, {'type': 1, 'id': '275534913384742913', 'deny': '0', 'allow': '1024'}, {'type': 0, 'id': '293543421426008064', 'deny': '0', 'allow': '9216'}], 'parent_id': '449352010072850443', 'nsfw': False, 'name': ':checkered_flag:caterpillar4', 'last_message_id': None, 'id': '1133782463697653831', 'icon_emoji': {'name': ':checkered_flag:', 'id': None}, 'hashes': {'version': 1, 'roles': {'hash': 'oCrJNw'}, 'metadata': {'hash': 'n11idw'}, 'channels': {'hash': 'AuBlCQ'}}, 'guild_id': '252358080522747904', 'guild_hashes': {'version': 1, 'roles': {'hash': 'oCrJNw'}, 'metadata': {'hash': 'n11idw'}, 'channels': {'hash': 'AuBlCQ'}}, 'flags': 0}}
"type ":1
"topic":"**\"caterpillar4\"** by **Test** [Race]\n\n<@216912122083409925>"
POST /guilds/<gid>/channels
ignores the \n
s PATCH /channels/<cid>
doesn'tSo, what happened for this week?
20 July
Main idea for r/place 2023 - r/place 2023
Fist ddnet r/place - r/place 2023
First pixels- r/place 2023
OOF, that was close - r/place 2023
War with KoG and SP|Someone, when they tried to destroy ddnet r/place - general
DDRock just stared to ban player for saying, "KoG suck's" xD - r/place 2023
Void are so close - r/place 2023
Hitted by void, but keep calm :justatest: - r/place 2023
We're dead - r/place 2023
Some Spanish streamer just stole our place >:C - r/place 2023
21 July
Old place actually AMOGUS field - r/place 2023
Getting back our place:D - r/place 2023
(Also we comeback out friendship with KoG and DDrock)
Collaboration with Sailor Moon @Johann [Sailor Moon] - r/place 2023
Sailor moon kitty with DDNet art - r/place 2023 - r/place 2023
Ha ha happi cloud c: - r/place 2023
Tardis with us on r/place - r/place 2023
23 July
Had an idea about extend our field, but guys from Whole Lotta Red sain no:( - r/place 2023 - r/place 2023
Ok that fun XD - r/place 2023
Heart with French:> - r/place 2023
@Voxel get shadow ban xd - r/place 2023
Actually nothing happen this day
24 July
Void next to us (again) - r/place 2023
New area - r/place 2023
Reddit know what DDNet is - r/place 2023
ehh.. well... - r/place 2023
🤫 - r/place 2023
25 July
0:26 am, alraeady beeing attacked bt frank ppls - r/place 2023
Bot attack started (SO MUCH ATTACKS:0) - r/place 2023
that was almost the end of r/place... - r/place 2023
Guessing that r/place will end bot attack :feelsbadman: - r/place 2023 - r/place 2023 -
r/place 2023 -
(almost dead btw) - r/place 2023
Last screenshot before death... - r/place 2023
BIG GG - r/place 2023