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information / announcements
Between 2023-07-24 00:00:00Z and 2023-07-25 00:00:00Z
Hi everyone, We're introducing a change that will have an impact on how new map releases are handled. From now on, after a map has been officially released, we are granting the map author a generous 2-week grace period. During this period, map authors will have the opportunity to address and fix any map skips that may have been overlooked during the initial testing. Once the time's up, there will be no more fixes, except for design bugs that don't mess with gameplay and QoL patches addressing, for example, soft-locks, provided they do not affect the leaderboard rankings. It's important to note that during this grace period, ranks might have to be removed if the map fixes significantly alter the gameplay. We introduce this new rule for two essential reasons:
  • Firstly, it's all about our commitment to creating a dynamic and thriving speedrunning community. With this update, players no longer have to worry about whether a skip is allowed or fear losing their hard-earned rank due to map fixes, after the grace period ends.
  • Secondly, it's worth noting that this specific rule was not formally announced in the past. Maps were previously fixed based solely on the mappers' requests at any given time. Now, we have a clear and fair process in place for everyone.
Admins' Discretion: It's important to note that the admins reserved the right to circumvent this rule if a situation arises where it is absolutely necessary. We'll always strive to be fair and make informed decisions, especially in special cases or extraordinary circumstances. Once again, thank you all for being a part of this fantastic community. Your creativity and commitment to pushing the boundaries of the game and the fantastic techniques and ingenious big brain skips you all showcase never fail to astound us.
heartw 29
🐑 14
🐀 6
joyEyes 2
😂 2
JoyFacepalm 2
ddnet 3
🐴 2
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