Hello dear DDNet Admins,
it seems that you have deleted the most recent finishes on Adorenarine.
I find it kind of disturbing that you did not made any further investigations nor provided any explanation on that matter.
There was a "skip" in the map that allowed players that were at a further place (around 25 %) in the map to get players from a previous point in the map.
This skip was intentionally in the map according to Konsti (Screenshot 1); I don't think it's justified to delete those ranks, given that conjectural mood swings of the mapper are facing 20 hours of work.
You could arguably say that we did skip the map, however, as mentioned above it was indeed intended.
Additionally, players must've played the map in a legit way to even get to this place - meaning you do not only punish the players that got skipped but also the ones that still played the map "legit". I don't think I have to state out further why those are not supposed to happen.
I can pretty confidently say that one tee finished that played the whole map in its intended way through the whole map.
However, this tee still took advantage of the increasement of players (which by itself is not a skip) - meaning it would simply be a disadvantage to others if they cannot finish the map the same way (like it is the case after the fix).
Furthermore, I don't think the circumstances justify this fix to be meant serious as Konsti is publicly known in this community for cheating and skipping maps.
Konsti also has another map on the Insane server (namely Shockwave) which had a skip quite similar to this one which for whatever reason was not fixed nor leaded to any deleted ranks and is well-known as it is even the thumbnail of a youtube video on Grk0ne's channel (Screenshot 2) - same mapper, same server type.
I think that Konsti's request was shaped by double standards and that the taken measures are disproportionate as each of us still invested around 20 hours on running this map.