@Vy0x2 Any way to fix it?
Over the last months i tested this, i couldnt get a setting where every possible situation could be covered with one setup. I had to increase the "sensitivity" of zooming/camera movement for small teams, and decrease it for big team0 teams. Some scenarios are not meant to be for a smooth camera movement, and i think this map is a good example where it makes no sense to use multiview.
There are also maps where you go into a teleport and one player is on the left side of the map, and one player is on the right side.. How should this be dealt with? If the distance is too big, prefer one player? At which distance can i spectate both again? Big team0 teams shouldnt be split up when they are very far away..
The only special case i did is: If people are far away and in freeze for 3,5 seconds, they get ignored until they are unfrozen again. That made sense in big team0 maps but is causing some rare "bugs" where someone is longer than 3 seconds in freeze but gets unfrozen since the design of the map..
I think we have to accept that sometimes it doesnt work (with some maps) and sometimes it works pretty solid.
If you want to twerk a bit (for demos maybe?), you could use this two commands:
spectate_multiview <id> - to only spectate some people even if they are in the same team
cl_multi_view_zoom_smoothness 1300 - (in ms) to twerk how fast the zoom should be. bigger team = slower (higher number), smaller team = faster (lower number)
I think it would be too complicated if i make multiple "profiles" for dummy map, two player team, big team0 team etc.
@Patiga @texnonik