xor eax,eax
lea rax,[rip+0xe46]
mov rdi,rax
call 0x1040 <puts@plt>
why move rax into rdi and not lea into rdi directly?xor eax,eax
lea rax,[rip+0xe46]
mov rdi,rax
call 0x1040 <puts@plt>
why move rax into rdi and not lea into rdi directly? xor eax,eax
lea rax,[rip+0xe46]
mov rdi,rax
call 0x1040 <puts@plt>
why move rax into rdi and not lea into rdi directly? puts("some srting");
to load the address of the stringmov
copies the data-O2
?-Wall -Wextra -O2
isn't really required @Jupstar ✪456fae8
add a list of newly uploaded skins after uploading - Jupeyy