i dont know if coffee helps me, but i drink it like a water and only get 3-4 hours of sleep
i also have a ruined sleep schedule, i go to bed at 11am
but sometimes i dont sleep for two days because i ruined an already ruined sleep schedule(edited)
ive been like a vegetable for the last couple of months
dont drink coffee
btw if be honest i drink coffee a lot more than water, it feels like it actually replaces water because i cant even remember the last time i drank it(edited)
its terrifying
and even so, i would still say that im not addicted, only moral pressure drives me to do this shit(edited)
when i finish that i want to add like, interpolative states where, the changing of each tile will be an animation from one state to another, just to spice it up a little bit
Some people are hypersensitive to it. Doubt more caffeine will help you. You'll have to take the normie route of not consuming any caffeine after 2-3pm
I met with President @sanchezcastejon of Spain to discuss our coordination on a wide range of global challenges.
The United States is proud to partner with Spain as we work to ensure a bright future for our children and grandchildren.
In what way? Electric should be a a little more efficient energy wise
ngl im moving out to a place with a gas stove and i have always used both electric kettle and stove so i do wonder if it's not better to keep kettle electric atleast + i really have no idea what i need to take with me guess time will tell
I don't even have the option for gas where I live. Rough guess is around 90% of apartments don't have gas piping installed here. And on top of that electricity is so stable in my country, that a 5 minute outage will hit the news as breaking.
But I do have Weber gas grill that can help me out if such a situation should ever come
Yeah. I always have it with me in my company car since I got it in April. Usually tell my colleagues a day in advance if I'm gonna fire it up so they can bring stuff to put on it the next day too.(edited)
It's a Weber q2200, so it doesn't take up much room.
The only problem with induction is the duty cycle. By modifying the amount of time heat is applied, it tries to regulate the total energy transfer, but when cooking you want control over the heat
In a gas hob you get to modify the energy transfer immediately
A toast sandwich is a sandwich in which the filling between two slices of bread is itself a thin slice of toasted bread, which may be buttered. An 1861 recipe says to add salt and pepper to taste.
I rather eat burnt bread on a pan with soup made only of onions
Than have breadception
The only problem with induction is the duty cycle. By modifying the amount of time heat is applied, it tries to regulate the total energy transfer, but when cooking you want control over the heat
before i had an induction stove, i had plain old electrical stove that just heat and heat, it was very fun to look at tho because it turned red, but was hella hot for long time
and i think it was inferior to both induction and gas
do they make keyboards with big lcd screens these days? or it's just edited later for the viewer? im asking honestly cuz it's anotehr time i see this kind of thing