Deen loved to code and go on quests,
He'd work for hours without any rest,
But one day he faced a DDoS,
And try as he might, he couldn't make it less.
His friends were mad, they left him alone,
And kids came to bully, throwing stones and stones,
Deen tried his best, but it was no use,
The DDoS was too strong, it left him feeling obtuse.
More kids came, and yelled in his face,
"Why can't you fix it, you're such a disgrace!",
Deen felt alone, he wanted to run,
But he stayed and he tried, till the job was done.
But the bullying continued, he felt so low,
He was left depressed, with nowhere to go,
The DDoS had beaten him, he was feeling so bad,
And the bullies kept coming, making him feel so sad.
Yet Deen didn't give up, he kept on fighting,
He knew that coding was his true calling,
And even when it seemed like everything was lost,
He found the strength to stand up, no matter the cost.
For in the world of coding and adventure,
It's not just about winning or scoring a treasure,
It's about persevering and standing up tall,
Even when life seems like it's going to fall.
So Deen kept on coding, he never gave in,
And soon the bullies stopped, they knew they couldn't win,
And though the DDoS may have won the fight,
Deen knew that he had the strength to make things right.