This channel is for all Teeworlds/DDNet and related chat. Gameplay questions can be asked here as well rather than in #questions. Ingame screenshots and any other Teeworlds related media goes to #showroom.
Between 2023-02-26 00:00:00Z and 2023-02-27 00:00:00Z
yeah good question. i assume RAM access is still the biggest bottleneck. But it's most probably some CPU side thing, the GPU only runs at around 90%
but thats also why i wanted to know what M1 could achieve
You shouldn't have to do that much on the CPU in general... I wonder if it quicker to do a tilebased rendering on the GPU through compute in order to save vram bandwidth... stuff that have been keeping me up at night
maybe yes, but maybe the GPUs are so highly optimized with rasterizing blending etc. that you cannot beat it with a custom compute shader which is kinda more general approach
but generally since CPU is pretty idle, calculating as less as possible on the GPU is still the best for ddnet. @Patiga wrote a different renderer that kinda does what you want i think. it calculates what is rendered per pixel. so the fragment shader is more heavily used
it's especially great for zooming out, but at normal zoom the overhead is bigger then normal vertices -> rasterize -> fragment approach
i dont think somebody did that. we dont support SVGs at all. PNGs are simply so much faster to load.
But i guess modern hardware could handle it at an ok speed. integrating it into multiple backends is hard tho i guess, except there is a good library that supports OpenGL, Vulkan etc.
I don't think you wanna go full on svg in the end, just convert it into something that is fast to render but still vectors, would mean you would support infinite resolutions
I don't think you wanna go full on svg in the end, just convert it into something that is fast to render but still vectors, would mean you would support infinite resolutions
yeah. i'd say here again with the ryzen CPU revolution it would be accaptable, since u can render multiple SVGs at once. but e.g.
our data directory as SVGs takes a few seconds to render with inkscape even on my desktop
"In video games the term is often used to describe any latency between an input and either the game or the display reacting to that input, despite the fact that this may emerge from a combination of input and output lag."
thats what wikipedia says xd
no but i think that makes input feel very unreliable
i'd need your config to understand what exactly your problem is.
I think we do wait for the GPU as soon as the client "thinks" it has to swap the frames
ok nvm we do m_pGraphics->IsIdle()
so i assume it shouldnt affect it even on windows, aslong as gfx_asyncrenderold == 1
however @Chairn i could still imagine that its some weird hardware thing, and actually u are the guy to answer
a CPU cycle that also triggers a graphics render call is slower than a non graphics call cycle. so this certainly creates some kind of jitter
how much it can affect whatever u experienced... no idea
mhh, i guess tw codebase is rather small and thus okish
but ddrace server code is horrible xDD
what i dislike are hacks like mem_zero this
or abusing the contructor to recreate this
he had some really weird UB^^
@Jupstar ✪ Ye, a bit of issues there with the clamping etc that happens due to networking as well
@Learath2 Initial versions of the hook was more realistic
Jupstar ✪
mhh, i guess tw codebase is rather small and thus okish
but ddrace server code is horrible xDD
what i dislike are hacks like mem_zero this
or abusing the contructor to recreate this
he had some really weird UB^^
DDRace server code got much better after eeeee ripped out a lot of the dependencies between the engine and game. It used to be much worse if you can imagine that
Someone (I think fstd) made a version of teeworlds with much more realistic physics and iirc it was pretty meh feeling
well believe it or not, but i also have around 10k hours in Gores mod(which is basically tw physics with freeze added)
and i have to say, teeworlds is really lucky that the physics is as it is. it has a great balance of not being too hard and not too easy. the hook balances the gravity quite well so that 1 tilers etc. work which are a key part of gores
I think the issue is more that prescribing the "correct" behaviour is hard. If your goal is to have a consistent bounce with equal force applied to each tee involved in the collision, it's not impossible to fix
I think the issue is more that prescribing the "correct" behaviour is hard. If your goal is to have a consistent bounce with equal force applied to each tee involved in the collision, it's not impossible to fix
… is not inactive)
@fokkonaut can u test this? also includes the fix as in #5770
however not really tested
Tested the change ingame
Provided screenshots if it is a visual change
If a rocket lands on the exact tick that it'd explode due to lifetime, it'd explode twice. Has to be preserved for eternity because there are like 2 maps that use it
There is one bizarre physics bug that I don't think any of us managed to track down due to how rare it is. You can actually glitch into solid blocks by 1 unit
Or the fact that you can glitch into stoppers with speed. All because it was initially implemented that way
There is one bizarre physics bug that I don't think any of us managed to track down due to how rare it is. You can actually glitch into solid blocks by 1 unit
not a teeworlds vanilla bug, but still a funny bug:
"shotgun bug"
if 2 tees stand in each other, and u shoot with a SG (the ddrace shotgun)
it will make the velocity go to INT_MAX
It wouldn't surprise me if you can get stuck if the physics moves to close to a corner and then the position clamp moves you inside the corner or something stupid like that
@Jupstar ✪ Well, that is easy to solve... don't do divisions
Jupstar ✪
not a teeworlds vanilla bug, but still a funny bug:
"shotgun bug"
if 2 tees stand in each other, and u shoot with a SG (the ddrace shotgun)
it will make the velocity go to INT_MAX
i benchmarked input lag, windows vs linux with a light sensor at 8000 hertz (tracked the light difference when going from black to white at an input generated by a Arduino)
and i can tell you, it was exactly the same in my tests
Jupstar ✪
i benchmarked input lag, windows vs linux with a light sensor at 8000 hertz (tracked the light difference when going from black to white at an input generated by a Arduino)
and i can tell you, it was exactly the same in my tests
I actually really liked that especially when your framerate is close enough to the target. The smeared frames are shown for a fraction of a second in exchange for such a great feeling smooth input
It wouldn't surprise me if you can get stuck if the physics moves to close to a corner and then the position clamp moves you inside the corner or something stupid like that
Well, there is some screenshots circling around from earlier versions of dm1 that had foreground grass for example
Also some music stuff that we didn't really use, like the menu music because it's kinda silly to have half of the download be some menu music
Loads of ideas for more super powers like the ninja that never got made, and other game modes
I didn't wanna do the normal powerups like, haste, regen, double damage etc, I wanted them to be more exotic.. to bad that I never did the prediction etc for the ninja because that would have felt a lot better
Dunno if you've seen the earlier versions of teewars that had a sniper scope
the only time i talked with oy was when i was still young and very stupid and wanted to get dyncam nerfed, even though server-side options already existed
yea lets go teepop 2.0, the huge playersbase will love it!
gun with fat wide spike headed cylinders as bullets, falls 3/5 the speed a grenade does, that does 2/5 the pushback of a grenade when hitting a tee, does 3 or 4 hearts of damage, shoots 1.25x faster than laser, bullets fly 1.25x the speed of grenades, but does 5 or 6 armor damage(edited)
gun with fat wide spike headed cylinders as bullets, falls 3/5 the speed a grenade does, that does 2/5 the pushback of a grenade when hitting a tee, does 3 or 4 hearts of damage, shoots 1.25x faster than laser, bullets fly 1.25x the speed of grenades, but does 5 or 6 armor damage (edited)
gun with fat wide spike headed cylinders as bullets, falls 3/5 the speed a grenade does, that does 2/5 the pushback of a grenade when hitting a tee, does 3 or 4 hearts of damage, shoots 1.25x faster than laser, bullets fly 1.25x the speed of grenades, but does 5 or 6 armor damage (edited)
this weapon will mitigate circle camping of flag carriers on ctf5 map
because you delete their shields
gun with fat wide spike headed cylinders as bullets, falls 3/5 the speed a grenade does, that does 2/5 the pushback of a grenade when hitting a tee, does 3 or 4 hearts of damage, shoots 1.25x faster than laser, bullets fly 1.25x the speed of grenades, but does 5 or 6 armor damage (edited)
does big tee mean literally a giant tee with bigger hitbox and weapons?
gun with fat wide spike headed cylinders as bullets, falls 3/5 the speed a grenade does, that does 2/5 the pushback of a grenade when hitting a tee, does 3 or 4 hearts of damage, shoots 1.25x faster than laser, bullets fly 1.25x the speed of grenades, but does 5 or 6 armor damage (edited)
When most people finish the multeasy map, they think they have finished the game and delete the game from steam or they always play on the same map.
but even though he knows that multeasy is not the only map in the game, I suggest that those who play may not be in good mental health, to see a professional
I'm using yandex translation probably most of what I wrote was translated wrong