If you've been single for a while, the absence of a humans touch can really depress the brain and soul. I'm not talking about a handshake, more like a long hug or ideally skin contact. So to combat this problem, a fantastic idea is to get a massage twice a month. I'm not joking, the almost intimate prolonged physical contact from another human can at least help somewhat.
Are you physically active? Going outdoors (away from city better) as much as possible is a hell of a drug and also puts you in situations where you might meet someone, even just a hello.
It is imperative to make contact with others otherwise you stray further away from the love that there is in the world. Love is waiting for you, it is there, don't worry. But find some ways to make it more visible.
Your mind may also trick you into depressing situations because it has gotten used to that feeling and now feels more comfortable being depressed rather than experiencing something new.
Does anyone have sure fire way to not be sick? I ate random meds, got hot imbir tea and slept for 5h now im drinking another tea and going to sleep soonish