You can live a better life in the future, but if what depresses you is your past and it's effects on your life now, you still can't fix it. You can only make sure it doesn't get worse
U cant turn back time, i cant go to 2013 and tell myself not to drop c++ to please my mother with school grades, cant tell my 2015 self to not be depressed ass and sleep 11-14h a day for 3 years straight, cant tell my 2019 self to actually read the books i bought and learn something to not end up where i currently am, or 2020 self to not drop chinese/japanese langauge learning, cant go back in time to fix my small brain that after excercises group was disbaneded to just find a new group, but what i can is make amends for some of those now? cant i? ofc it's harder, ofc i beat myself because suddenly time is running out quickly, i get depressed and think if it's even worth doing anything because ultimately it doesnt matter, and i think it's exactly because it doesnt matter, im just a freaking number, that could die from tree dropping on me due to high wind, is why im free, because i finally have to please noone but myself, all my current mistakes are due to myself, but so are achievments, my dreams of cloning items in old game are voided too because i dont enjoy playing it anymore (mostly because "its waste of time"), so since the only other option is to be depressed as fuck, why not just do things at my own pace, or not do them at all, it's all about mindset, and no amount of pills can cure depression, also just so U know, I personally talked with people the same way U do over the years (i would say it took me solid 7 years) and thought there's no hope, but little by little the acceptance of myself fixed it atleast a bit