@Lumpy ◐ω◑ Hello my C - E - O. What whould yo chicken ass to see first. Profiles(mix of ddnet profile and something own) or... idk maybe possibilty to write a review about ur teammates, who's dumb and who's mvp
@Lumpy ◐ω◑ Hello my C - E - O. What whould yo chicken ass to see first. Profiles(mix of ddnet profile and something own) or... idk maybe possibilty to write a review about ur teammates, who's dumb and who's mvp
I mean you have to farm points again, it will result in another servers cluster like ddrock or ddspeed or smth like that. It will be much better than them but they at least get some audience with their unique maps
Maybe you can get along with ddnet devs and make some kind of integration
I mean you have to farm points again, it will result in another servers cluster like ddrock or ddspeed or smth like that. It will be much better than them but they at least get some audience with their unique maps
I mean you have to farm points again, it will result in another servers cluster like ddrock or ddspeed or smth like that. It will be much better than them but they at least get some audience with their unique maps
Yeah that what i thought of as well, automated server whitelist with passwords and stuff, it will give some ddos protection opportunities as well, sounds great
but yeah, as the picture depicts, even if U have certain information block, there are different pathways to it, and human brain is the laziest thing known to itself, so it always tries the easy way
it is, because it conserves energy, believe me it's extremely lazy
if there's easy way out brain will choose it and protest against other options that's why U have so many people whom cant handle stress and other "made up" things
imagine this situation:
You want to learn something new, but U also see some video on youtube that hits Ur interests (lets say it's some speedrun of a map that U really like on ddnet) the chance for U to click on that is massive
people often claim they're tired, yet they can "passively" watch tv shows
i for example, am consious about the fact, that my current situation wont last forever, and if i dont do something about it in advance, i will have to struggle
yet unconsiously i am aware that "we're winning" and why change anything if "we're winning"
well i can only speak for myself, but sometimes when im emotionally overwhelmed, because something stupid happend not even to me but in a video/movie i start switching tabs, and checking different things (like all messaging apps i have)
and so on, this is one of the reasons im here right now
i deleted ddnet from my pc ( only keeping old version that barerly works on current servers, and on some it doesnt even connect) because it was my favorite easy to launch "Easy to quit" type of game "if U dont know what to do just launch the game U acn quit any time"
and i often joined and quit servers for literaly 40-50 mins
if U're not an adult get checked, if U're an adult get checked (yep same message) often it help people to just know they do have ocd and then they catch themselves
still all in Ur head, but even if U're aware of these, subconsiousness is stronger than consious mind (however U spell that i cant be bothered to check because im laziest of bastards)
I also don't like when knifes are facing in my direction
U dont always think using a language, and most of the time U dont think before speaking if U're fluent in the language ( dont translate it from mothertongue to english for example)
U're acting, utilising Ur muscles, U dont think i want to lift my hand, U lift UR hand
think of it like a windows pc
U're a User, despite owning machine
to not hurt urself too much
else U could constrict Ur muscles so hard that U break Ur own bones