Pseudo involves flying without colliding with the other tee, it allows you to fly precisely through cramped spaces.
Deepfly, in the command sense, is the ability to have your dummy hammer you every time you left click, as a replacement for normal dummy hammer...Which isn't what deepflying actually means. Deepflying involves hammering a deepfrozen tee, so that they hammer you back, causing you to fly. This only works on certain maps. (Mappers can decide to disable deepfrozen tees being able to hammer)(edited)
Deepfly, in the command sense, is the ability to have your dummy hammer you every time you left click, as a replacement for normal dummy hammer...Which isn't what deepflying actually means. Deepflying involves hammering a deepfrozen tee, so that they hammer you back, causing you to fly. This only works on certain maps. (Mappers can decide to disable deepfrozen tees being able to hammer) (edited)
I'm not very knwledgeable about binds, but those 2 binds are often put on cfg files.
Before beeing able to use them if I remember correctly you have to execute the file once.