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Between 2022-12-10 00:00:00Z and 2022-12-11 00:00:00Z
Gores is basically type of race maps but i think it would fit in gamemodes better
well maps in ddnet definitely have gores parts, so I wouldn't say its too out-of-place there
well maps in ddnet definitely have gores parts, so I wouldn't say its too out-of-place there
What if all map is a gores part, its a gores map, if you have server full of gores maps with changed server code its called Gores gamemode
Also KoG is gores clan, people dont make clan for ddrace parts, right?
Gores is a map which inspired many clones like aip gores and is now used as a synonym for ddrace fly parts. Just because it spawned its own community doesn't mean that it's something else. Hotrun for example also had its own community and clans for a while but most would still consider it race.
So to answer your question yes people make clans for such things
There was a recent discussion about the name "Gores". The most relatable name is: "Go rescue"
Gores is a map which inspired many clones like aip gores and is now used as a synonym for ddrace fly parts. Just because it spawned its own community doesn't mean that it's something else. Hotrun for example also had its own community and clans for a while but most would still consider it race.
Then block should be merged into ddrace and ddrace into race
No ddrace is not a special race map but rather a modification of race which has freeze tiles as its most distinct feature. You're not wrong concerning block though, it could be subsumed by ddrace imo. But since nowadays it has these kill features and stuff I think viewing it as a separate entity is fine
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