Soapy Sandwich
1. Probably should mention it's a rule for t0
2. Should maybe specify this doesn't apply to faily maps.
3. Currently the rule kinda bans hookfly forced parts unless someone tunes the whole map without hammer.
maybe add "used to fix cheats that could easily be avoided"?
4. That's kinda not what the rule says, the rule seems to imply that puzzle maps are banned.
5. Why not say something like bug use might make it harder to get your map released but exceptions may be made for great maps that use bugs. Why say "small bug", what are the big bugs that are always banned?
1. applies to all maps but the amount of space needed depends on the map and how many tees there are and how the parts are played, if you can make a tight solo map feel perfectly smooth to play then go ahead.
2. "should" suggests that it's not a strict requirement, but always welcome.
3. the rule doesn't say that you can't use special tiles at all, you need a hammer off tile to make a hookfly part, but using it to fix a cheat when the tile doesn't actually benefit the part's gameplay is bad.
4. it's not only about puzzle maps, a misleading part is for example one that coaxes you into failing, and brainy parts that use well thought through mechanics aren't confusing
5. a minor bug may be allowed if the map's main mechanic relies on it and otherwise the map is top notch, but don't get your hopes up that this will be a common occurence (edited)