Soapy Sandwich
I took the time to make a list of physics abusing bugs:
1. Shotgun bug (Real no no on this one)
2. Any other speed gaining bug from stacked tees
3. Running into other tees while they shotgun you to gain speed
4. Reaching any speed that slows your tee down
5. Moving too far into stoppers
6. Falling through doors or other tiles
7. Ninja stacking
8. Shotgun the floor to gain speed
9. Shotgun a wall to gain speed in the wrong direction
10. Weak hook allowing falling in stoppers
11. Downward speed flying
12. Freeze Hammer
13. Weak weapons in freeze when lasered
14. Explosive bullets only hitting one target
15. Speeder upward launching bug.
16. Tp gun through corner bug.
17. Double tp touches
18. Touching tiles/weapons on the otherside of tp
19. Gaining/Losing speed by moving left or right in upward speeders.
20. Magic edge
21. Weak bounce or strong bounce, one of them is a bug.
22. Weak hook cause that's clearly the worse one.
If anyone can think of any other mechanics that made this game interesting and unique please let us know so we can add them to the ban list.
1. unintended
2. unintended
3. unintended
4. unintended
5. expected behavior
6. technically expected but there's no reason to use this over a better speed checking method, and it looks buggy
7. this isnt really problematic in itself but it often is used for other stacking bugs
8. technically expected behavior, it doesn't make too much sense but it's also very accepted anyways, and once you think about it it makes sense
9. not sure what you mean but probably same with 8
10. this bug is just dumb
11. funny but doesn't belong in an actual part since its unintended
12. intended
13. weak bug category, unintended
14. unintended
15. unintended
16. dont think this is a bug but its annoying to play a part like this
17. similar to 6.
18. same with 6.
19. not certain on how this one works so can't say, but this move isn't fun imo
20. its fun imo
21. remove weak
22. remove weak