Hello guys, a rather tough day for me at least, i have a small message for y'all, a few people might be happy about it.
Due to personal reasons, various complaints about my rather offensive way of moderating and a different view of how moderating should be in this game, I am stepping down from my role as a moderator. It has been an eventful 2 years, I have met many great people and have been part of a great team. Don't worry, I won't come back like @Skeith . I will probably leave the game completely or play under a different name. Thanks for a great time, I know many of you weren't really okay with the way I moderated. I just wanted to get rid of the bad people in the community and made it a better place to play, but i overstepped the line too many times. I wish you all a great time in this game. (not a laughing twinbop, a sad one)