Can you post the logs from server as a file?
Sure! After modifying loglevel to max, it turns out it never failed registering to master (on IPv4). It just gives no hint that IPv4 succeeded registering, or IPv6 registering was the one not working and that doing the warnings loop on console. Should be good to do a little commit doing those messages more verbose.
2022-11-28 12:11:17 I server: version 16.5 on linux ia32
2022-11-28 12:11:17 T register: info: {"max_clients":64,"max_players":64,"passworded":false,"game_type":"DDraceNetwork","name":"[Chile] BlueGuitarCL Vanilla trial lol","map":{"name":"ctf2","sha256":"b30feca56dd04c15f4ef2ca45864bc75ddc515a0f9836d210a35c57282827f26","size":25626},"version":"0.6.4, 16.5","clients":[]}
2022-11-28 12:11:17 I register/6/ipv6: registering...
2022-11-28 12:11:17 I register/6/ipv4: registering...
2022-11-28 12:11:17 D register/6/ipv6: status: need_challenge
2022-11-28 12:11:17 D register/6/ipv4: status: need_challenge
2022-11-28 12:11:17 D register: got challenge token, protocol='tw0.6/ipv4' token='zniu40sfnw7FFH3N+nSpdA=='
2022-11-28 12:11:17 I register/6/ipv4: registering...
2022-11-28 12:11:18 D register/6/ipv4: status: success
2022-11-28 12:11:32 I register/6/ipv6: registering...
2022-11-28 12:11:33 D register/6/ipv6: status: need_challenge
2022-11-28 12:11:33 E register/6/ipv6: ERROR: the master server reports that clients can not connect to this server.
2022-11-28 12:11:33 E register/6/ipv6: ERROR: configure your firewall/nat to let through udp on port 8303.
^C2022-11-28 12:11:35 I server: interrupted
2022-11-28 12:11:35 I register/6/ipv4: deleting...
root@oli32.pts/1:~/Downloads/DDNet-16.5-linux_x86 #