is it possible to bind one key to toggle between 2 weapons without doing that file config stuff? Like make a mouse button switch to weapon 1. then if pressed again; weapon 5, back and forth?
is it possible to bind one key to toggle between 2 weapons without doing that file config stuff? Like make a mouse button switch to weapon 1. then if pressed again; weapon 5, back and forth?
@Vy0x2 little question . ask for kick on playground is funvote but ask for spectate is funvote too ? ( if ofc the player is annoying everyone insulte etc )
If a player is insulting others, you can start a vote on him.
The rules are the same on playground like everywhere else (except of blocking)
Starting a vote because someone is afk is a "Fun-Vote" and not allowed.
Ello! I've got a server related question (if you know the answer ping me please, its my first time hosting something teeworlds-related)(edited)
I got my TrainFNG server built, up and running under linux. The only problem is, the port isnt declared as LISTEN state (check image)
Is there any configuration to fix that? I can connect manually from outside the LAN, but because its not on LISTEN state, master server refuses to register it to the serverlist(edited)