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Between 2022-09-28 00:00:00Z and 2022-09-29 00:00:00Z
When holding the hook on the ceiling, locking it with f1 and then opening chat the hook goes invisible and you get prediction errors (shaky screen).
I tested this on newer DDNet servers as well where everything works properly and this might be an issue with the Unique servers specifically.
I can't pinpoint the versions, since it's not my server and you can't get the server version with /credits.

You really dont need that buggy, testing approach from that PR
other patches dont work as expected, and re-porting the old way of kog isnt working either, because even in the old version only hooks on ground were patched
@Avolicious Anyways, then I would suggest simply using this patch from 0.7, which I use on my server aswell. It's only for the hook strength, not for bouncing, but works reliably:
@Avolicious Anyways, then I would suggest simply using this patch from 0.7, which I use on my server aswell. It's only for the hook strength, not for bouncing, but works reliably:
@Avolicious Anyways, then I would suggest simply using this patch from 0.7, which I use on my server aswell. It's only for the hook strength, not for bouncing, but works reliably:
Fixes #5641
server side only
Tested the change ingame
Provided screenshots if it is a visual change
Tested in combination with possibly related configuration options
Written a unit t...
If you want, I re-up a server with this PR
And also one with the teeworlds PR fokko suggested
Currently in office, so ETA is roughly around 10 or 11 PM CET
Maybe you havent applied it correctly, I dont know which version your Gores mod is based on, and how you implemented things. But in generel I had tested this, and it seemed to work at least from what I could see. I didnt find any behaviour as on Gores server
To me it looked like only hooking tees caused that
Maybe you havent applied it correctly, I dont know which version your Gores mod is based on, and how you implemented things. But in generel I had tested this, and it seemed to work at least from what I could see. I didnt find any behaviour as on Gores server
He is saying that the f1 console logging looks less readable
And if u logged into rcon u can pinged by a sound for every vote.. At first u actually thought it was a client bug too bcs it's kinda weird(edited)
I wouldnt need to know where they meet, just if. I think I can do some simple maths here
its possible without finding the intersection, yes. see for example in the section where they calculate "t" and "u". the line segments intersect if both of those are between 0 and 1 (unless they are parallel, but in that case the divisor in both fractions will be 0, so only need to check for that and handle it separately)
And he is saying it like that because most people on the internet have no capability of giving feedback without cursing
its possible without finding the intersection, yes. see for example in the section where they calculate "t" and "u". the line segments intersect if both of those are between 0 and 1 (unless they are parallel, but in that case the divisor in both fractions will be 0, so only need to check for that and handle it separately)