Sorry to hear your application didn’t go so well. When reviewing Verified Server applications, we look for businesses, brands, and figures of public interest with a strong following.
When determining what servers to verify, we look for a wide variety of coverage for your entity, including but not limited to features or appearances at events, press coverage, or collaborations with other well-known individuals.
You should have a large enough following that impersonation or fan accounts pretending to be legit are an active, ongoing issue. Ideally, it should be easy for us to determine without the need for additional follow-up emails or information.
Final verification is at the sole discretion of Discord. If your server doesn't qualify for a verification badge, there are other ways to let people know your server is authentic. For example, you can share your server invite from your official website or Twitter account.
If your server is active and engaged, you may also want to apply for the Partner Program, which rewards well-moderated and engaged servers with recognition and extra tools to help them invest in their community. No matter who you are, as long as you are fostering an engaged community, you can be rewarded. You can learn more at
As your presence grows both in and outside of Discord, you are welcome to reapply for verification in the future.