i always thinked that my map is amazing. maybe they are, but execution is bad no flow difficulty spikes and a lot other problems was in my maps. Most big problem that i was creating is if i made part and it worked i puted it in map with out thinking about the part at all.
hey mappers!
I am developing a multiplayer map editor for ddnet and it is mostly complete now, but still untested. If you're interested in this, you can try it out and I would appreciate any feedback! ❤️ (it prob has some bugs and usability issues)
editor - https://tw.thissma.fr
git repo - https://github.com/k2d222/twwe
ddnet test server - "twwe -- tw.thissma.fr" /
I can wrap it in a electron app (just like discord) if you like it
basically discord and plenty of other popular 'apps' are just web browsers without a search bar and some added features like access to the filesystem(edited)
basically discord and plenty of other popular 'apps' are just web browsers without a search bar and some added features like access to the filesystem (edited)
none, please implement the line tool first and remap shift-click
unless you just did it or something(edited)
electron apps aren't that slow and a map editor doesn't need to be fast unless you're updating a lot of tiles
cut your losses
it's better that it's web. now it's embeddable in anything
i think accessibility is the most important feature here
the fact that you don't have to download anything extra to map with others
imo the things that keep me from using the web editor are just that it doesn't control the same as the real thing. so shift-click and line tool and then the rest can be done :D
It's true that when I opened the editor the first time I thought what is this shit and that eventually led the the web editor
but after getting used to it, it mostly makes sense
@k2d222 I would understand if you want to use keybinds that make sense. I wouldn't be surprised if the ddnet editor binds don't make sense
if you think you can make binds that are more intuitive/useful, I would say go ahead and try it out
would it be much effort to be able to toggle to 'legacy mode'?
@k2d222 I would understand if you want to use keybinds that make sense. I wouldn't be surprised if the ddnet editor binds don't make sense
if you think you can make binds that are more intuitive/useful, I would say go ahead and try it out
would it be much effort to be able to toggle to 'legacy mode'?
my first experience with editor was: place some freeze tiles > auto apply freeze tiles > automap freeze to have the round corners > now I can't auto game tiles bcs it also applies to the corners
you change one thing while testing and you have to rerun the automapper again in your way
if you only do entities and have the gameplay done and its tested you only need to run the automapper once = less work
that's not even realistic because that implies that you're doing all tile layer at once. any real mapper knows that you have to test over and over to build the entire map
have to test each part separately
you change one thing while testing and you have to rerun the automapper again in your way
if you only do entities and have the gameplay done and its tested you only need to run the automapper once = less work
game front switch tele tune speeder sound (if you count that)
the rest are quads and tile layers which are non-game group
which are for decorating only
your map will take many many more clicks to test compared to tile layer at the end. there is literally zero benefit to mapping tile layer first. you keep insisting there's some benefits but there are none
it just slows you down
I just got annoyed by the "you don't have to make your map pretty"