Custom skins aren't loading for me in 16.2.
Its working in 16.1.
Azumarill is already in the folder "downloadedskins/Azumarill.png"
Is there another setting i must change?(edited)
@murpi that works. But my problem is that its not downloading the skins automatically.
If i want to use this skin in 16.1, it appears as soon as i type the name in the box: "BadAnqelMonster"
In 16.2 nothing happens
try update GPU drivers:
nvidia drivers from directly etc.
try to use latest win10 or win11
try to choose vulkan as renderer if you have GPU from around 2016 or newer(edited)
Jupstar ✪
try update GPU drivers:
nvidia drivers from directly etc.
try to use latest win10 or win11
try to choose vulkan as renderer if you have GPU from around 2016 or newer (edited)