time checkpoint compares your current time with your fastest record to show whether you're faster or slower (useful for speedrunners)
tele checkpoints will teleport a tee to the cto tile with the same number(edited)
time checkpoint compares your current time with your fastest record to show whether you're faster or slower (useful for speedrunners)
tele checkpoints will teleport a tee to the cto tile with the same number (edited)
tele checkpoints basically just teleport you to the same 'to' tiles no matter which tele tile you hit
so if i hit cp 1 and i hit a tele, i will go wherever cp 1 brings me, regardless of which tele i touched
time checkpoint compares your current time with your fastest record to show whether you're faster or slower (useful for speedrunners)
tele checkpoints will teleport a tee to the cto tile with the same number (edited)