if you would use cheat engine on server and client it could maybe work xD but you could also change the SERVER_TICK_SPEED in the protocol.h and compile your own version with slower or faster game ticks ... the variable sets the ticks per second..., since some prediction code hardcoded the default value of 50, you probably also have to turn of predictions
this would then not be compatible with other teeworld clients...(edited)
the problem is, that we control the movement of the tees in gamecore only by the inputs, and just reset the inputs if the tee is in freeze, if we would not reset the inputs we would have to change the gamecore so that it knows if someone is in freeze
mh thinking about it a little more, we probably do not need to change the gamecore, because the inputs are also reset in clientside prediction...
Mh, but then it will mispredict for vanilla client, spectators and players with cl_predict off
I will test a little, and think about it more...
mh, m_IsInFreeze is if you are in a freeze tile, but not if you are outside of freeze, freezed yes you are right
I could have set m_IsInPracticeMode also as Flag in DDNetCharacter.m_Flags, to fill up all 32bits of the flag xD and m_IsInFreeze too... probably could have added a flag field to DDNetCharacterDisplayInfo :/(edited)
sending the real inputs in CharacterCore is much more work than just sending them additionally xD (and probably risking physic change, but I'm carefull) ... hope this will be useful ^^ ...
if we add a flag to DDNetCharacterDisplayInfo, xD we could also use 3 bits of it for the inputs but I try to send it with DDNetCharacter ... -.-(edited)